The Project
The telemarketing firm wanted a piece that reflected the companies long standing skill of providing its clients more calls per hour.
The telemarketing firm wanted a piece that reflected the companies long standing skill of providing its clients more calls per hour.
The company wanted to think outside the box. They could purchase an item for self-promotion but Reese Brothers wanted something unique, useful and memorable. Since the company deals with time…call time. The design department delved into the idea of a promotional clock to reflect the “time” element. Reese Brothers teleservice agents give more talk time per hour to their clients. This means more calls are made per hour achieving more donations for the clients’ charities such as MS Society and the Make a Wish Foundation.
The visual design references the call center teleservice agent and telephone circuits. The clock was printed on 100lb gloss cover stock and scored at folds. The battery powered clock mechanism was purchased and assembled, boxed and mailed onsite.
The item was sent out to clients and prospective clients. The result was continued confidence in Reese Brothers and served to get the attention of those potential clients.