The Project
The client wanted to reach out the user(s) that visited the Greater Pittsburgh Medical Weight Loss website but did not convert. These ads were used to target the person and be served up on a variety of sites the person was viewing. Reminding to them of their weight loss goal. A sort of nudge to go sign up.
Design Process
The ads targeted the market of people wanting to look their best for the summer months. Seeing the ad can get them back onto the site and sign up for the weight loss program.
These online banners played on that “after” look. What one strives to be. They needed to reach a range of people. The images captured the average “fit” person (the obtainable body), the “model” body (want to be) and moms wanting to be active with her children (very practical).
For the design, keeping the message simple, the design clean and a clear CTA made these ads successful. In the end the banners had high conversion rate.
Technologies Involved
- Photoshop