The Project
The client needed a website to help the people find a doctor(s) in areas of chiropractic services, weight loss, and cosmetic services.
Design Process
The most important item of the site was the search functionality. It was imperative to bring it to the forefront.
The design of the website will be of a stylish and friendly nature to make the user feel at ease. Oh, yes and make it a responsive website to function on all platforms: desktop, ipad and mobile.
Within the design, giving the user multiple areas to find a doctor or look up a condition was of upmost importance. That was achieved by providing the elements within the right hand column.
Bootstrap framework was used to build the site using a 960 width, 12 column format.
The Results:
• The client sign on 20% more doctors to the project.
• The user reviews were a professional, functional and informational experience.
Technologies Involved
- UX Design
- Photoshop
- Illustrator